Behind the Scenes: Mr. Posey
April 5, 2023
In this year’s Art Collective, many teachers came together to pull together the biggest event of the year. But one teacher has gone unrecognized for all his hard work.
Mr. Posey has been in charge of the audio and visuals behind the scenes for countless shows at DDCUS. His teamwork with Ms.Novela contributes greatly to the success of every show.
What’s it like to work on audio and visual at DDCUS?
“Audio and visual has been fun – it’s something I’ve done in the past and it’s just cool that I’m able to do it here.”
How have you done it in the past?
“I spent 20 years as a professional musician, so throughout my career, I just kind of learned the ropes to the audio visual world, and I’m able to apply it to a school setting. I was also a band director at my first high school, and I was able to do it at my last job as well .”
How do you plan the audio and visuals for a show?
“That actually happens with Ms.Novela. She does the design of the lights, so if I need to refocus or rearrange a light, I will do it, but I leave the design and color up to her.”
Coming from a musical background, how does it feel to contribute to an event that values the arts like the Art Collective?
“This is amazing, and words can’t really describe it. I do this for the students and to be able to give back, but to help this thing happen with Ms. Rivera and Ms. Manavello is a highlight for me.”
What do you do to prevent a malfunction/ What do you do in the case of a malfunction?
“Prepare, prepare, and prepare … yet, even with the most amount of preparation, things always go wrong, so you just have to be ready for anything and hope there are no mishaps during the night.”