DDCUS 2022-2023 XC team
Cross Country team takes home their first win of the year!
Photo by: ddcusxc on Instagram
Cross Country team at their first meet
September 6, 2022
The 2022-2023 Cross Country team has kicked the season off to a great start by winning 2nd place in boy’s JV at their first meet of the year against schools like Coral Reef, Palmer Trinity, Matter Academy, and others.

Like in any other sports team, having a good relationship between teammates is key for a successful season.
A team captain is an essential part of any team, they are like a second coach. Tempestini, the team’s captain, also gives an inside look on what being a team captain is like for him. “My experience as captain of the cross country team has placed a lot of new responsibilities on me, like being a role model for the younger ones and encouraging my teammates to push harder,” says Tempestini, 10th grade.
New team member, 9th grader, Gabriela Gonzalez-Orbegoso, shares her experience on the team this season, “My first meet went terrible to say the least, but I learned a lot from it, and it allowed me to go into the most recent meet with a whole new mindset, where I won 3rd place.”
It is safe to say the 2022-2023 DDCUS cross country team has many more wins ahead of them this season!